Monday, June 4, 2012

Die Zombie, Die!

Thousands of them swarmed around the jeep. Their craving for flesh attracted them to the only survivor in the area. The survivor started loading the gatling gun that was mounted on the jeep, since it was military issue. He was fumbling with the ammunition belt, trying to get it into the weapon. He finally got it in and aimed it at the zombies. Pulling the trigger, he unloaded hundreds of shots yelling out "die zombies, die!". One of the zombies managed to avoid the gunfire and crawled onto the jeep, right in front of the gun. The bullets tore through its body, getting blood, bones and body parts all over the gun and jamming it. Frustrated, he dropped the handles to the weapon and went for his rifle, which wasn’t there. He looked around, but couldn’t find it. The zombies started climbing up onto the jeep and overpowering the survivor. His screams could be heard from miles away.


  1. This is really good, but maybe a better conclusion, overall I like the setting.

  2. needed to be better put together, like grammar ans stuff, other then that it was good
