Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lee Harvey Oswald- Alone or Not?

A big argument in U.S history is about if the assassination of John F Kennedy. Some people believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the only one that shot him, some believe more than one person was, some even believe that the whole thing was faked.

According to www.time.com, "Over 70% of Americans believe that Kennedy's death was the result of a broader plot", meaning the majority of Americans thought there was a second gunman. They believe that the bullet trajectory didn’t match up with Oswald's perch on the 6th story of a building and that there was a second gunman on the grassy knoll of the Daley Plaza. People also believe that Oswald's 3 shots in 5 to 6 seconds couldn’t be possible with his bolt-action rifle.

Only 30% of people believe Oswald was the only gunman. There were reports of him being seen with his rifle after 3 gunshots. People also found his rifle hidden in a paper bag hidden behind objects. Reports say that Oswald was also a marksman, so he was able to make the shot.

Some people think that the assassination of JFK was fake. They say that the car that Kennedy was in had made an unscheduled detour and just happened to drive right in front of where Oswald was waiting. The car had also slowed down in front of Oswald's perch and gave him enough time to fire his 3 shots. Kennedy's brain also just happened to be lost during the autopsy, losing any evidence involving his wound.

People today still make new theories about what might have actually occurred during JFK's assassination. Although there were reports of what happened, people said different things. No one will ever know for sure if there what happened because a major piece of evidence was lost.

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